Nueva web
After months of work, we invite you to visit our website, completely new, more accessible, dynamic and with better content. It provides comprehensive and detailed information about our products and services.  It also has an innovative design that ensures perfect navigation from any device

We are pioneers in interception and fluid control valves! Discover our wide range of products available in 8 languages
According to our customers’ language needs, it is available in English, Catalan, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Russian and Arabic

Moreover, our new website allows you to kno our global presence in numbers

We are in 86 countries of 5 continents
We speak 8 languages
We travel more than 1.640.000 km a year
We have 5380 m2 of own facilities

Take a look

We remind you that we get back to our regular business hours from 8 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm

Welcome back everyone